Friday, May 24, 2019

How to make different coffee drinks at home:

How to make different coffee drinks at home
Espresso is the most famous type of coffee that originated in Italy, 1950s, particularly famous for its Italian diaspora.
·         Milk
·         Coffee powder
·         Sugar
·         Water

How to make it step by step

1.      You have an espresso coffee machine, that’s great.
2.      But if you don’t have, then take a mug
3.      Pour a tablespoon of coffee powder and water and sugar according to your taste.
4.      Mixed it well until color changes.
5.      At the end Add hot milk and enjoy a hot cup of coffee.
Mazagran Coffee
Mazagran is originated in the 1840’s war in Algeria.It is a cold coffee.

·         Black Coffee
·         Lemon Juice
·         Ice cubes
·         Sugar

How to make it step by step

1.      For making Mazagan you have a glass.
2.      Fill the glass with black coffee
3.      Add one teaspoon juice lemon juice, you can add more, all depends on taste.
4.      Add sugar as per your taste
5.      Pour it over ice cubes and have your cup of cold coffee.

If you want to know about more visit: How to make different coffee drinks at home

Coffee bean types and flavors:
Coffee is an aromatic drink with a pleasant bitterness, so elegant and delicate. It is the second famous product in the world after oil. A delicious beverage made up of the beans or roasted seeds, or “beans,” of the coffee plant. We discuss different Coffee bean types and flavors.
Here you can read the guide to buy the best coffee beans.

Arabica Coffee


Coffea Arabica is generally known as Arabic. Arabica is considered as the original coffee bean, comprises about 60% of the total world coffee market, sold mostly in coffee shops throughout the world. It was the first species of coffee and was discovered in Ethiopia. Now it cultivated coffee in the Middle East and Africa, but it has grown in many countries, especially Colombia. The crop of  Arabica beans is cultivated at higher altitudes, in the place where it receives plentiful rainfall and has a good range of shade. 
•    Market Size: Its size is  About 60–75% of the total market of  coffee
•    Size of tree: The tree of arabica tree Shortest mostly 6′–12′ tall that grow mostly in high altitude without high-temperature temperatures and with proper rainfall and pest control
•    Caffeine Quantity: The quantity of caffeine is 75–130 mg per 6 oz cup
•    Taste of coffee: It has a highly complex flavour and aromas, mostly depend on the region, where it has grown.

Robusta Coffee


The Robusta Coffea is also known as canephora, the second largest coffee beans produced globally. This quantity of caffeine content is about 27 %, because of astringent flavour and higher amounts of caffeine, Robusta coffee beans are considered as lower grade coffee beans, even quite bitter too. It is cultivated primarily in Brazil Indonesia, West Africa, Brazil and Vietnam.  It has possessed highly resistant to disease and weather and therefore makes it a lot easier to grow, so these beans are cheaper as compare to other beans. Robusta coffee beans have almost double amount of caffeine that of  Arabic possess, that’s why it has strong resistance to disease, caffeine acts as a means of self-resistance to the disease.
•    Market Size: About 25% of the coffee market
•    Growing Notes: It grown in a warm climate with irregular rainfall, capable of withstanding dry, hot conditions possess high resistance to pests and disease ultimately higher yield than the other species.
•    Tree size: Trees are 15′–18′ tall and quite hardy. capable of withstanding dry.
•    Caffeine Quantity: The quantity of caffeine is almost 140–200 mg per 6 oz cup
•    Tasting and Aroma: Coffea robusta is generally less desirable flavour-wise than of Coffea arabica, it is used mostly in  Italy due to its deeper, darker flavour profile.
Which is more harmful tea or coffee:

People are conscious about their health they want to know about the effect of drinking coffee and tea on their body.  In this article we cover brief over of tea and coffee after reading this you will get the answer of question which is more harmful tea or coffee or which is more beneficial for health as we also cover pros and cons of tea and coffee drinking.

Pros and cons of Coffee and Tea

Today tea is known as a healthier alternative to the daily drink.
The antioxidants In green decrease the risk of cancers (breast, ovarian, pancreatic), heart disease also helps in stress relief,  weight loss and fat reduction. Green tea also controls high blood pressure, balanced blood sugar level, suppress aging, prevent and treat skin disease, stop cavities, and fight viruses. Regular black tea drinkers have less risk of developing heart disease.
the consumption of tea may reduce the risk of depression. The observation is that a person who drinks three cups of tea daily is far less likely to suffer from depression and tension.
Tea is a good heart, decreases serum cholesterol, triglycerides and fatty acids. Also high in antioxidants that prevent free radical damage.
Tea contains some particular ingredients that provide immense relief from inflammatory disorders and arthritis, also reduces blood clotting.
Green Tea is rich with antioxidant, named  Catechin Polyphenols. It contains Epigallocatechin Gallate or (EGCG in short) that has the ability to destroy cancer cells. It also inhibits the abnormal growth of cells. Green tea is very helpful to eliminate bad breath, excess fat and acne. Green tea prevents bone loss.
Tea is good for the heart, decrease decreases the serum cholesterol, fatty acid and triglyceride and coffee fat like chemical cafestol that increase the level of cholesterol. Coffee is helpful to prevent the risk of a heart attack.
Coffee has so many benefits that one can though.
Coffee is very beneficial for the patient of diabetes. It contains the antioxidant chlorogenic acid which reduced glucose absorption also improve how the body uses insulin. At least, two or three cups of coffee per day balance sugar in the human body.
Coffee is popular because it contains caffeine which is a very effective agent. It is useful for the patient of asthma, it relaxes the bronchial tubes of the lungs.
Coffee is also aided in combating drowsiness, temporarily boosting athletic performance, eases congestion due to cold and flu that prevent asthma attacks and enhances the pain-relieving effects of aspirin.
Coffee contains neurotransmitters such as serotonin (the happy hormone), which decrease fatigue and makes you feel fresh and happy.
Coffee also contains magnesium which is very important to relax the nerves and muscles also strengthens bones and enhance blood circulation.
Black coffee contains a huge amount of  Coffee caffeine which helps us stay awake. Additionally, it contains antioxidants that help decrease the risk of cancer.
It contains some natural ingredients that decrease the risk of formation of the gallstones. It also minimizes the risk of believed neurological disorders.
Tea and coffee compete with each other in many ways.
Both coffee and tea are rich in antioxidants although it is said that tea has more of these.  There are three types of antioxidants: thiols, ascorbic acid and polyphenols.  Tea has been found to be  Tea is rich in polyphenols which increases metabolism, activates the enzymes to block fatty substances thus helpful in weight loss. On the other hand, Coffee contains antioxidants that also effective in weight loss.
Besides benefits, there is also harm to coffee and tea. Caffeine has a negative effect when consumed in a large amount. Drinking more than five cups of coffee can lead to unhealthy effects on the body. Negative effects of caffeine include increased cortisol levels (stress hormone) and blood that can increase anxiety and insomnia. Thus produces fatigue, headaches, decreased alertness and irritability.
The continuous consumption of coffee can cause teeth discoloration. But tea,  maintain white teeth while Black tea used as a gargle for keeping the teeth and gums strong. Nowadays, iced tea is very popular which contains much sugar that is harmful.
Both tea and coffee are acidic in nature, however, vary in amount. Coffee is much acidic than tea. Acidity tends to damage the stomach and digestive system.
Who makes the best coffee in the world:
As we all know coffee is the most popular drink in the work lets find out who makes the best coffee in the world.

Coffee-All around the world:


Coffee has become a more common and accessible popular drink, become a reasonable alternative of tea. It is not a costly drink that can only be enjoyed by a select group of class, enjoyed everyone poor or rich, young or old It is a simple pleasure that can be enjoyed by the poor and rich,  that can bring together friends and family. As coffee is common to drink, different demographics of people have different styles, flavors, taste, aroma and brews of coffees.
As every culture has had an impact on the coffee and has a unique flavor, taste and aroma. Coffee continues to change and evolve these are some popular trends of coffee. No doubt our taste tends to change over time.
In western countries, people usually like dark coffee while in Asia people prefer lighter and sweeter coffee, in Turkey coffee become slightly different. In Europe and Germany, coffee is important for social and literary gathering, in Northern Europe coffee is served in parties.
Here you can read the guide to buy the best coffee beans.
Here is brief of coffee from different countries.

1.    Italy

Italy is not the birthplace of coffee but a special connection with the beverage, but the birthplace of espresso. Here coffee has a different taste, especially their espresso, rarely add syrups, whipped cream and other such flavors, prefer to drink mostly espressos. Cappuccinos are only drinking in the morning and don’t prefer later in the day, because the people if Italy thinks that best time to enjoy coffee is morning, start yours with getting a jolt of quick energy. Italy is not the birthplace of coffee but a special connection with the beverage, but the birthplace of espresso. coffee is made by pushing water through the tightly packed and finely ground coffee at high pressure, expressing a smooth and strong shot with a fine foam on top known as ‘crema’. Mixing foamy milk to the espresso creates a different taste, you may also include the macchiato and the cappuccino. The Espresso Romano is the favorite expresso that served with a fresh peel of lemon floating on the top. on the rim of the cup.
Most of the common brands of coffee beans.

2.    Austria

Interesting Australia is the birthplace of mostly drinks as a blue latte and a flat white is originated here. The traditional drink of Austria is mélange, which is similar to a cappuccino. An espresso with steamed milk, topped with foamed milk and sometimes for flavor, add whipped cream. There are various varieties of traditional Austrian coffees, most famous the Kaisemelange. Main ingredients of Kaisemelange is strong black coffee, egg yolk and honey. While stirring, The egg yolk is mixed with honey, then add strong coffee black is also a famous drink in Scandinavia.
Famous coffee brands are Helmut Sacher Vienna, Helmut Sachers Espresso and Mozart Kaffee Mild.
For more information about coffee visit our website: